Polycom MGC WebCommander Version 9.0 Home Theater Server User Manual

MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
2. Define the following parameters:
Table 5-4: User Properties
Option Description
Name Enter the name of the user.
Password Enter the password to be used by the user when
accessing the database via the MGC Web Server
Manager, the WebCommander and the MGC
Database Manager. The password is hidden to
increase system security.
Confirm Password Confirm the password by re-typing it. The password
is hidden to increase system security.
Permission Select the Permission (access rights) type for the
user from the drop-down list. The permission type is
defined in the Permissions table. It defines the
modules the user can access and the functions s/he
can perform.
E-mail Address If the e-mail option is enabled in the Permission
selected for the user, enter the user’s e-mail
address. This address will be used when an e-mail is
sent from the user when scheduling a reservation.
Web Office URL If the user has a WebOffice URL, enter it here. When
starting a new meeting, the URL will appear on the
WebCommander web page. Conference participants
can click on the URL link and enter the meeting. For
more information on WebOffice, refer to the
WebOffice User’s Guide.
MCU per User –
Custom MCU
The system administrator can select the MCUs on
which the user may schedule reservations or start
On Going conferences.
Select this check box to assign the MCUs to the
user. When cleared, the user will be able to run
conferences on all the MCUs defined in the MGC
Web Server.
Select MCUs Click this button to designate the MCUs on which the
user can run conferences.
The MCUs per User dialog box opens.