
RS-232 Cable Specs and Modem Use B - 3
Modem Use
The Ethernet Management Module enables you to use a dial-in modem.
The requirements are as follows:
1. The modem must be 100% Hayes compatible.
2. Any baud rate in the range (300, 1200, 2400, 9600) may be used.
Higher rates are preferred.
3. The modem must be placed in Dumb/Auto Answer mode. This is
accomplished by entering the following commands from a terminal
directly connected to the modem:
at& [ENTER] . . Restore factory defaults
at&d0 [ENTER] . Ignore changes in DTR status
ats0=1 [ENTER] . Auto-answer on first ring
ats0? [ENTER] . . Verify auto-answer (should return 001)
atq1 [ENTER] . . Does not return result codes
at&W [ENTER] . . Save this configuration
at&Y [ENTER] . . Define this configuration as default
Note: * If you issue the SET TERMINAL HANGUP ENABLE
command for modem use, you must change the DTR
parameter as defined below to ensure proper modem
*) at&d2 [ENTER] . Indicates hangup and assumes command
.........state when an On to Off transition of
.........DTR occurs
If necessary, follow the commands in your modem user manual to place the
modem into dumb mode (command recognition disabled).