1 - 4 ONline Ethernet Management Module Installation and Operation Guide
Like media modules installed in the ONline System Concentrator, the EMM
is assigned to a network on the concentrator backplane. The configuration
and fault-detection capability of the EMM is protocol-independent and
enables you to configure all Ethernet modules as well as Token Ring and
FDDI modules. In addition, via the Control Bus, the EMM can configure and
check status on all modules in the concentrator, even if they are assigned to
different networks or are isolated.
If you have modules assigned to different Ethernet networks in a
concentrator, you should use multiple EMMs to track statistics on the
individual networks. For configuration management, however, only one
EMM in the concentrator can be the master EMM - all other EMMs are
considered slaves.
A slave EMM can collect statistics and listen to traffic on the network to
which it is assigned. Since the slave does not have control of the Control
Bus, it cannot configure modules or detect faults. The slave module will
take over as master if the master EMM fails, thus providing fault tolerance
for your concentrator management. The administrator assigns a mastership
priority level between 1 and 10 to each EMM.
Since all EMMs are factory set with a priority level 10, the first EMM you
install will automatically become the master for that concentrator. All other
EMMs you install should have their mastership priority changed to a lower
value so as not to conflict with the first EMM.