Startup and Management Functions 3 - 21
To implement port security, assign a MAC Address to a given port before
you enable the security feature for that port.
Issue the following command to assign a MAC Address to port 3 on the
module in slot 6:
ONline> set security port 6.3 mac_address 08-00-8f-12-c0-09 [ENTER]
Use the following command to enable the security feature for all ports on
the module in slot 7. Prior to enabling the security feature, you must already
have assigned a MAC Address to each port:
ONline> set security port 7.all mode enable [ENTER]
Use the SHOW SECURITY PORT command to display the MAC address and
security setting for a specific module and port, for all ports, or for all port's
of a specific module.
The following example displays security settings for all of the ports on the
Fiber Module in slot 16.
ONline> show security port 3.all verbose [ENTER]
Security Display for Module 5104M- FB in Slot 3:
Mode MAC Addresses General Information
16.01 ENABLED 08-00-8f-1b-0b-ad ETHERNET_1
16.02 ENABLED 08-00-8f-3c-c6-1e ETHERNET_1
16.03 DISABLED 08-00-8f-00-0e-c6 ETHERNET_1
16.04 DISABLED 08-00-8f-00-0e-2e ETHERNET_1
Managing Security with EMM Master and Slaves
When managing security in Ethernet modules (other than the 5112M-TPLS
Security Module), 3Com recommends that all security configuration
changes to an Ethernet module only be issued through the EMM (master or
slave) that is managing the network to which that module is assigned. This
eliminates the possibility of having two different security configurations for
one module stored in two EMMs. (This consideration does not apply to the
Security Module because only a master EMM is capable of managing it.)