xiv ONline Ethernet Management Module Installation and Operation Guide
This guide is intended for the following people at your site:
❑ Network manager or administrator
❑ Hardware installer
Structure of This Guide
This guide contains five chapters, three appendices, and an index:
Chapter 1 - Introduction – Presents the key features and management
functions of the EMM.
Chapter 2, Unpacking and Installing the Module – Provides illustrated
procedures for installing the EMM into the ONline System Concentrator.
This chapter also describes the front panel indicators (LEDs), the Reset
Button, and RS-232 serial port connector. It also explains how to connect a
terminal to the EMM.
Chapter 3, Startup and Management Functions – Explains how to
configure the EMM to manage an Ethernet network. These configurations
include terminal settings, default system values, and configuring the EMM
for communication with SNMP-based management systems. This chapter
also describes how to monitor your Ethernet network using the SHOW
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting – Provides help in isolating and correcting
problems that may arise during installation and during normal operation.
Chapter 5, Software Download Instructions – Explains how to
download new software code to the Flash EPROM in the EMM.
Appendix A, Specifications – Provides technical specifications for the
EMM, such as the electrical and environmental specifications.