3Com 5101M-MGT TV Receiver User Manual

Startup and Management Functions 3 - 5
Once you have configured your terminal to match the factory defaults of
the EMM, press [ENTER] and the following greeting is displayed:
Ethernet Management Module (v4.00) Copyright (c) 1993 Chipcom Corporation
Press [ENTER] again and the EMM prompts you for a password. Enter the
password and then press [ENTER] (the default password is a null string).
The following greeting and the default management prompt is displayed:
Welcome to system administrator service on ONline.
You are now logged in as the administrator with full access to all
commands. Once terminal settings are complete, you can configure the
ONline System Concentrator, the newly installed EMM, and all other ONline
modules residing in the concentrator.
When you are done using the EMM, save all changes, and then log out of
the system using the LOGOUT command. Provided you have saved all
changes before issuing this command, you are logged out of the system
and the following message displays:
ONline> logout [ENTER]
Table 3-2. EMM Terminal Parameter Options and Factory Defaults
Parameter Options Factory Default
Baud 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 9600
Data_bits 7 or 8 8
Parity odd, even, or none none
Stop_bits 1 or 2 2