Chapter 10-Operator Assistance & Participant Move
Polycom, Inc. 10-15
If more than one Collaboration Server is monitored in the RMX Manager, the Audible Alarm
must be enabled separately for each Collaboration Server installed in the site/configuration.
A different *.wav file can be selected for each MCU.
When multiple Audible Alarms are activated in different conferences or by multiple MCUs,
the Audible Alarms are synchronized and played one after the other. It is important to note
that when Stop Repeating Alarm is selected from the toolbar from the Collaboration Server
Web Client or RMX Manager, all activated Audible Alarms are immediately halted.
For more details on Audible alarms and their configuration, see "Audible Alarms” on
page 19-29.
Moving Participants Between Conferences
The Collaboration Server User can move participants between ongoing conferences,
including the Operator conference, and from the Entry Queue to the destination conference if
help is required.
When moving between conferences or when a participant is moved from an Entry Queue to
a conference by the Collaboration Server user (after failure to enter the correct destination
ID or conference password), the IVR messages and slide display are skipped.
Move Guidelines
• Move between conferences can be performed without an active Operator conference.
• When moving the conference chairperson from his/her conference to another
conference, the source conference will automatically end if the Auto Terminate When
Chairperson Exits option is enabled and that participant is the only conference
• When moving the Operator to any conference (following assistance request), the IVR
messages and slide display are skipped.
• Participants cannot be moved from LPR-enabled conferences to non-LPR conferences.
Move from non-LPR conferences to LPR-enabled conferences is available.
• Move between encrypted and non-encrypted conferences depends on the
ALLOW_NON_ENCRYPT_PARTY_IN_ENCRYPT_CONF flag setting, as described
in Table 10-3:
Table 10-3 Participant Move Capabilities vs. ALLOW_NON_
EQ Encrypted
Move Enabled?
NO Yes Yes Yes
NO Yes No Yes
NO No Yes No
NO No No Yes
YES Yes Yes Yes
YES Yes No Yes