1. Highlight the field beside Motion Ignoring Interval in the Motion Detection
Settings screen and press . A list of intervals ranging from 1 to 10 seconds to
Never appears.
2. Select a Motion Ignoring Interval from the list.
Now the DVR will not log and notify motion events that occurred during the preset
interval range.
Setting Up Sensitivity Levels for the Daytime Range
1. Highlight the Daytime Setup field in the Motion Detection Settings screen and
press to set up the Daytime range. The Daytime Setup Screen appears.
Figure 3-59 Daytime Setup Screen
2. Highlight the field beside Daytime and press .
3. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to set the Daytime range.
The DVR considers the remaining time range as the Nighttime.
Motion Detection Actions Tabs
Using the Actions 1 and Actions 2 tabs, you can set the DVR to react to motion detection
differently for each camera. Each camera can:
• be associated with another camera
• trigger an Alarm-Out connector
• sound the internal buzzer of the DVR
• notify a number of different devices
• move PTZ cameras to preset positions
• and/or display a camera on a SPOT monitor
Actions 1 Tab settings
In the Motion Detection Actions 1 tab, you can choose the cameras, the Alarm-Out
output connectors, and the notification actions for each camera.
Highlight the Actions 1 tab. The Motion Detection Actions 1 screen displays.