Using Console Redirection 105
Table 6-2. Console Redirection Page Buttons
Button Action
Keyboard Macros Enables you to select and type one of the following keystroke combinations that
cannot be typed using your local keyboard without affecting your local system.
<Print Screen>
<Alt><Print Screen>
<Alt><(Left) Shift><(Right) Shift><Esc>
Send Sends the selected keystroke macro.
Keystroke Prefix Enables you to select a key that acts as a previous keystroke to your actual
keystrokes. Select either <Ctrl>, <Alt>, or <SysRq>.
Mouse Acceleration Enables you to select the operating system you are using to optimize console
redirection mouse performance. Select Windows, Linux, or NetWare.
Refresh Completely updates the entire remote system-screen viewport.
Help Opens the online help for the Console Redirect page.
Create Snapshot Captures the current remote system screen to a .jpg file on the local system.
dialog box is displayed that allows you to save the .jpg file to a
Close Exits the Console Redirection page.