174 racadm Subcommand Man Pages
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A message is displayed indicating the values obtained from the managed system, and if they are
being written to the DRAC 4 or only displayed.
racadm setrac -d
— Only the parameter values are displayed.
racadm setrac -h
— The UTC time and managed system name are taken from the managed
system and written to the DRAC 4.
NOTE: To use this command, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Ta b le A-34 describes the sslcsrgen subcommand.
racadm sslcsrgen [-g] [-u] [-f <
racadm sslcsrgen -s
The sslcsrgen subcommand is used to generate the CSR and download it to a file, <filename>.
-T Gets the OS type from the managed system and writes it to the DRAC 4. This parameter
is available for viewing using the getsysinfo command and under the object ID interface
using config/getconfig as [ifcRacManagedNodeOs] ifcRacMnOsOsType.
-d The -d, or display option, allows the user to get the Hostname, OS name, and OS type
from the managed system and display these items only. Parameters are not written to the
DRAC 4. If the -d option is typed along with other options, then those parameters are
displayed only.
Table A-34. sslcsrgen
Subcommand Description
sslcsrgen Generates and downloads the SSL CSR.
Table A-33. setrac Subcommand Options (continued)