Dell Remote Access Controller 4 Firmware Version 1.30 Universal Remote User Manual

200 DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions |
Defines the Secure Shell idle time-out. This property sets the amount of time in seconds that a
connection is allowed to remain idle (there is no user input). The session is cancelled if the time
limit set by this property is reached. Changes to this setting do not affect the current session
(you must log out and log in again to make the new settings effective).
An expired SSH session displays the following error message only after your enter a carriage return:
Warning: Idle Timeout Expired
The system then returns you to the shell from which SSH was invoked.
This group contains configuration parameters for the system external serial port.
One instance of the group is allowed. The following subsections describe the objects in this group.
cfgSerialBaudRate (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
NOTE: For best results redirecting BIOS System Setup screens, Dell recommends using 115200.
Legal Values
9600, 28800, 57600, 115200
Sets the baud rate on the external serial port. (Type decimal values).
cfgSerialConsoleEnable (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Legal Values
Boolean, either 1 or 0 (TRUE or FALSE).
0=Disabled, 1=Enabled. Enables the serial port and terminal interface.