racadm Subcommand Man Pages 151
racadm config [ -p -c] -f <
racadm config -g <
> -o <
> [-i <
>] <
racadm getconfig [-p] -f <
racadm getconfig -g <
> [-i <
racadm getconfig -u <
racadm getconfig -h
config Subcommand Description
The config subcommand allows the user to set DRAC 4 configuration parameters individually
or to batch them as part of a configuration file. After the .cfg file has been correctly parsed, each
object is read. If the content is the same, a write to the DRAC 4 does not occur. If the data is
different, that DRAC 4 object is written with the new value.
Ta ble A-5 describes the config subcommand options.
NOTE: The -f, -s, and -p options are not supported for the serial/telnet console.
Table A-5. config Subcommand Options and Descriptions
Option Description
-f The -f <filename> option causes config to read the contents of the file specified by
<filename> and configure the DRAC 4. The file must contain data in the format specified in
Parsing Rules."
-s The -s, or synchronize option, directs config to synchronize the user and password database
with Server Administrator (if any user passwords were modified).
-p The -p, or password option, directs config to delete the password entries contained in the config
file -f
<filename> after the configuration is complete.
-g The -g <groupName>, or group option, must be used with the -o option. The <groupName>
specifies the group containing the object that is to be set.
-o The -o <objectName> <Value>, or object option, must be used with the -g option. This option
specifies the object name that is written with the string <value>.
-i The -i <index>, or index option, is only valid for indexed groups and can be used to specify a
unique group. The <index> is a decimal integer from 1 through 16. The index is specified here
by the index value, not a
"named" value.
-c The -c, or check option, is used with the config subcommand and allows the user to parse the
.cfg file to find syntax errors. If errors are found, the line number and a short description of
what is incorrect are displayed. Writes do not occur to the DRAC 4. This option is a check only.