Configuring and Using Virtual Media 113
Installing the Virtual Media Plug-In
To use the virtual media feature, you must successfully install the browser plug-in. After you have
launched the virtual media page from within the DRAC 4 user interface, the browser automatically
attempts to download the plug-in if it was not previously installed. If the plug-in is successfully
installed, the virtual media page displays a list of floppy and CDs that the virtual drive can connect to.
Internet Explorer must be used on Windows management stations to use the virtual media
feature. ActiveX Control is the plug-in that is used under Internet Explorer. The browser
security must be set to the medium or lower setting for Internet Explore to be able to download
and install signed ActiveX controls.
If you are using a Windows management station, you must have administrator rights to install
and use the virtual media feature. Before installing the ActiveX control, Internet Explorer may
display a security warning. To complete the installation of the ActiveX control, you must first
accept the control when Internet Explorer prompts you with a security warning.
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux management stations, the Mozilla browser is supported. If the
plug-in has not yet been installed, or if a newer version is available, you are presented with a
dialog box to confirm the plug-in installation on the management station. When presented with
this plug-in installation dialog box, you must ensure that the user-ID running the browser has
write permissions in the browser's directory tree. If not, the installation is not permitted.
Using the Virtual Media Feature
To use the virtual media feature, perform the following steps:
Open a Web browser on your management station.
Connect and log into the DRAC 4.
in the left pane to display a new page and download the virtual media plug-in if
it has not already been installed.
All the available drives are listed under
Floppy Drive
CD-ROM Drive
NOTE: A USB memory key or a floppy image file is also listed under Floppy Drive because they
could be virtualized as a virtual floppy. You can choose one CD-ROM and one floppy at the same
time, or only one of them if you want.
NOTE: The drive letters of virtual devices on the managed system have no correlation to the drive
letters of physical drives on the management station.
NOTE: You cannot select a device that is present on the system but is locked for exclusive use by
another application for use as Virtual Media. To make the device available, close the other
application. When the application is closed, click the Refresh button on the Virtual Media page to
finish making the device entry available.
Select the drives that you want to virtualize and click
If this connection is authenticated, the connection status becomes
and a list of all
connected drives is displayed.