68 Managing and Recovering a Remote System
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Generating a Certificate Signing Request
Type a value in the field for each CSR attribute. Table 4-14 describes what values are valid for
each required field.
Email Address
field is optional. You may type your company's email address, or any
email address that you want to have associated with the CSR.
NOTICE: Each new CSR overwrites any previous CSR on the firmware. Before a certificate authority
(CA) can accept your CSR, the CSR in the firmware must match the certificate returned from the CA, or
the DRAC 4 will not upload the certificate.
Table 4-13. Certificate Management Page Options
Option Action
Generate a New CSR Click Next to open the Certificate Signing Request Generation page that enables
you to generate a CSR to send to a CA to request a secure Web certificate.
NOTICE: Each new CSR overwrites any pervious CSR on the firmware. For a CA
to accept your CSR, the CSR in the firmware must match the certificate returned
from the CA.
Upload Certificate Click Next to upload an existing certificate that your company has title to, and
uses to control access to the DRAC 4.
NOTICE: Only X509, Base 64 encoded certificates are accepted by the DRAC 4.
DER encoded certificates are not accepted. Upload a new certificate to replace
the default certificate you received with your DRAC 4.
View Server Certificate Click Next to view an existing server certificate.
Table 4-14. Required CSR Fields
Properties Description
Common Name (CN) The exact name being certified (usually the Web server's domain name, for
example, www.xyzcompany.com). Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens,
underscores, and periods are valid. Spaces are not valid.
Organization Unit (OU) The name associated with an organizational unit, such as a department
example, Enterprise Group). Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens,
underscores, periods, and spaces are valid.
Organization (O) The name associated with this organization (for example, XYZ Corporation).
Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, periods and spaces are valid.
Country Code (C) The name of the country where the entity applying for certification is located.
Use the drop-down menu to select the country.