Dell Remote Access Controller 4 Firmware Version 1.30 Universal Remote User Manual

racadm Subcommand Man Pages 149
racadm Subcommand Man Pages
This section provides descriptions of the subcommands that you can run in the racadm CLI.
NOTE: To use this command, you must have Log In DRAC 4 permission.
Ta b le A-1 describes the help command.
racadm help
racadm help <
The help subcommand lists all of the subcommands that are available under the racadm
command along with a one-line description. You may also type a subcommand after help to get
the syntax for a specific subcommand.
The racadm help command displays a complete list of subcommands.
The racadm help <subcommand> command displays information for the specified
subcommand only.
Table A-1. Help Command
Command Definition
help Lists all of the subcommands available to use with
racadm and provides a short description for each.