Cisco Systems 5.2.x Home Theater Server User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.2.x
Chapter 19 Content Distribution and Delivery
Resumption of Interrupted and Paused File Transfers
File transfer resumption in DMS-CD helps to compensate for bandwidth throttling and other constraints
that might limit how many assets you can provision at a time. Such constraints commonly include a
limited number of nighttime hours when deployments are certain not to disrupt the digital signage
messages or Cisco Cast programs that your organization shows to its targeted audiences.
Values that you define at Deployment Manager > Deployment Preferences determine in part how
DMS-CD responds to any incomplete file transfers, but its response also considers the size of individual
files within a deployment package. Finally, a DMP might generate a queue for itself if it is the target of
multiple deployments, because a DMP can receive data from only one deployment package at a time.
Outages and Other Disruptions
When the scheduled delivery of a deployment package is interrupted—by a power failure or a network
outage, for example—while you are provisioning assets, the file transfer process might resume
automatically at a later time.
When sufficient time remains during the same deployment window that was interrupted, your file
transfer resumes after your retry interval has elapsed.
Tip You set this interval in the “Deployment retry time (in seconds)” field.
When the interruption extends past the end of the scheduled deployment window and the
deployment is scheduled to recur, file transfer resumes automatically the next time that the
deployment is scheduled to run.
When the interruption extends past the end of the scheduled deployment window but you did not
schedule the deployment to recur, file transfer stops without success and does not recur.
Likewise, the maximum number of times that DMS-CD tries to provision assets for an interrupted
deployment package is constrained by the “Deployment retry count” value.
File Size
When your deployment is scheduled to recur, DMS-CD will either pause or stop the transfer of assets
whose transfer did not finish during the deployment window. DMS-CD uses file size to determine
whether an incomplete file is paused or stopped:
Transfer is stopped for any partially transferred file whose size is less than 6 MB, no matter how
much of it was transferred. Transfer of a 100 KB file, for example, must start over again from the
first byte when the deployment recurs.
Transfer is paused for any partially transferred file whose size is greater than 6 MB, no matter how
little of it was transferred. A file whose size is 1.6 GB, for example, is paused when none of your
DMPs can download more than 200 MB per day.
Tip Calculations of this kind can help you to estimate how far in advance you should schedule the first instance of a
recurring deployment. When you know already, for example, that one-fifth of the data within a deployment package can
transfer to DMP local storage during the deployment window that you reserved, then you know also that the deployment must
recur on at least 5 separate days or your DMPs will not receive their assets in time.
We recommend that your deployments recur once each day.
When a deployment is scheduled to recur at any other interval than once per day—such as once per week—then this is the
interval after which any paused transfer will resume.