1. 1 : 1 Connection 3-5
Serial Communications
- Choose the action to be taken against communication errors.
[Comm. Error Handling]
Set error handling routine in the case that a communication error between the
V7 series and the PLC occurs.
[Stop] If any communication error has arisen, the communications are
stopped. When restoring, use the Retry switch (found on the error
screen of the V7 series).
[Continuous] If any communication error has arisen, it is indicated at the top left
corner on the V7 screen. The V7 series conducts polling of the
PLC, and if OK, the error state is automatically reset.
[Time-out Time] (0 to 999) (Unit: ×10 msec)
Specify a time for monitoring the receiving of a response from the PLC. If no
response is received within the specified time, a retrial is attempted.
[Retrials] (1 to 255)
Specify the number of retrial times. When the problem persists even after as
many retrials as specified, the system will start the error handling routine.
- [Text Processing]
When processing characters, choose
either option for arranging 1st/2nd
bytes in one word.
- [Code] (DEC/BCD)
Choose the code for entering numerical data. For some numerical data, such as
those for data displays or data sampling in the sampling mode, this setting is not
applied because BCD or DEC should be chosen for [Input Format].
- [Read Area] [Write Area]
Refer to the next section “System Memory.”
- [ Read/Write Area GD-80 Compatible]
When converting screen data files created on GD-80 into those of the V7 series, this
option is automatically checked. When this option is checked, GD-80 compatibility
is supported by securing 2 words each for [Read Area] and [Write Area] in the same
format as GD-80. For more information, refer to the GD-80 User’s Manual.
- [ Use Ethernet]
When using Ethernet communications, check this option. For more information,
refer to “Chapter 4 Network Communications/1. Ethernet.”
Supplemental Information: Polling
“Polling” means to constantly monitor and check
the state of the other station.
15 0
2nd byte 1st byte
15 0
1st byte 2nd byte