Text-In Query Examples
Query Example II
Item Unit price Qty amount
Coke | $ 2.20 | 1(s) | $ 2.20
Fanta | $ 2.20 | 1(s) | $ 2.20
Hotdog | $ 3.50 | 3(s) | $ 10.50
Pepsi | $ 1.95 | 1(s) | $ 1.95
total : $ 16.85
Thank you~~
In the above text-in data, you can find that the comparison value is located at 17th (Unit
price, $ mark will be ignored automatically), 28th (Qty) and 40th (amount) characters
(including spaces) from the left, but the value of amount category is located on a
different line from Item. In this case, you can enter 17, 28, and 40 in each Column field
and enter 1 in the Line field for the next line.
For example, if you want to search for Coke with a Qty (Quantity) of more than 1 and
Hotdog with an amount totaling over $8, the following search condition can be set.
Figure B-2 Text-In Query Example 2