242 C626M-C (5/06)
add instant record icon to OSD 48
customizing 47
overview 31, 46
selections 47
Audio Recording
Background Color
Camera Name
Instant Recording
Select All
Site Name
Video Recording
operating modes
function 34
instant record, starting and stopping 48
instant recording 47
live recording 49
overriding other users 108
P protocol 54
pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) control panel 28
pan, tilt, and zoom control
enabling 46
focus command, using 54
operating 49
preset, programming 54
programming guidelines 54
pan, tilt, and zoom indicator 46
channel/camera assignment to 35
configuring 35
division display format 35
division, selection of 35
hidden panels, automatically cycling through 37
hidden panels, manually cycling through 37
live/playback video, display of 28
navigating between 35
overview 34
pane, expanding and collapsing 37
site name displayed in 31
video, viewing 109
activating 54, 56, 58
clearing 54, 58
overview 56
programming 54, 57
programming, starting 57
programming, stopping 57
protocols, PTZ-enabled cameras 56
PC client application
automatic system upgrade 20
changing default client password 21
changing default password 21
getting started with 16
how to run 20
installing 17
IPSec security services 20
license agreement 18
logging into 21
requirements 20
starting 20
system requirements 16
viewing backed up data, required 149
viewing backed up data, requirement 149
viewing remote DX8000 servers 16
working with 22
Phase Alternating Line (PAL) 141
playback control panel 29
playback timeline 29
blocked internally 22
changing port number 22
PC client and server matching 22
activating 54, 55
clearing 54, 56
guidelines 54
Preset 95 54
Preset 99 54
programming 54
preset tour
accessing a preset tour group 63
adding presets to a tour 63, 64
configuring 63
delete presets from a tour 63
deleting presets from a tour 65
programming 63
D, P, Coaxitron 54
PTZ OSD menu control 59
PTZ presets and patterns
alarm events, linking to 125
ATM/POS events, linking to 126
motion events, linking to 124
video loss events, linking to 127
record indicator 46
recording mode
alarm, camera settings supported
alarm image quality 140
frame rate during alarm 140