[bit4] I: Interrupt enable flag
Permission and the interdiction of the user interruption demand are controlled.
This bit is cleared to "0" by a reset.
[bit3] N: Negative flag
This bit indicates the code when the operation results are defined as integers expressed as complements
of 2.
Initial state by reset is irregular.
[bit2] Z: Zero flag
This bit indicates whether or not the operation result is 0.
Initial state by reset is irregular.
[bit1] V: Overflow flag
This bit is considered to be the integer expressing the operand used for operations as complements of 2,
and indicates whether or not an overflow was generated as the result of such operation.
Initial state by reset is irregular.
Value Function
User interruption interdiction.
When the INT instruction is executed, this bit is cleared to "0".
(Note that a value saved on the stack is the value before it is cleared)
User interruption permission.
Mask processing of user interrupt requests is controlled by the value retained by ILM.
Value Function
0 It is indicated that operation result was a positive value.
1 It is indicated that operation result was a negative value.
Value Function
0 It is indicated that operation result was the values other than 0.
1 It is shown that operation result was 0.
Value Function
0 It is indicated that no overflow has occurred as a result of the operation.
1 It is indicated that an overflow has occurred as a result of the operation.