Honeywell UDA2182 TV Converter Box User Manual

98 UDA2182 Universal Dual Analyzer Product Manual January 2009
Parameter Selection or
Range of Setting
Parameter Definition
-0.02 to 50
default = 1.000
RESET (Integral Time) - adjusts the control
output according to both the size of the
deviation (SP-PV) and the time it lasts. The
amount of corrective action depends on the
value of Gain.
The reset adjustment is measured as how
many times proportional action is repeated per
minute (Repeats/minute) or how many minutes
before one repeat of the proportional action
occurs (Minutes/repeat – default).
Tune Set 2
None (default)
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Monitor 3
Monitor 4
Logic 1
Logic 2
Logic 3
Logic 4
Digital In 1
Digital In 2
Digital Source for selection of Tuning set 2.
When active, this input will override the current
tuning set selection and force the PID to use
tuning set 2. This applies for non-duplex type
Note: For duplex control types, the tune set is
automatically select by the output zone (Tune
2 selected for Output < 50).
Gain or Prop Band 2
0.1 to 1000.0
default = 1.000
Gain or Prop Band2 for Tuning Set 2. Same as
Gain or Prop Band.
Rate 2
-0.035 to 10.000
default = 0.000
Rate 2 for Tuning Set 2. Same as Rate.
Reset 2
-0.02 to 50
default = 1.000
Reset 2 for Tuning Set 2 Same as Reset.
Table 6-15 PID Alarms
Parameter Selection or
Range of Setting
Parameter Definition
Alm 1 SP1 Type
No Alarm (default)
PV High
PV Low
Dev High
Dev Low
SP High
SP Low
Output High
Output Low
Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 Type
High PV Alarm: PV > Alm SP
Low PV Alarm: PV < Arm SP
High Deviation Alarm: |PV – SP| > Alm SP
Low Deviation Alarm: |PV – SP| < Alm SP
High Setpoint Alarm: SP > Alm SP
Low Setpoint Alarm: SP < Alm SP
High Output Alarm: Out > Alm SP
Low Output Alarm: Out < Alm SP
PID 1 Alarms
PID 2 Alarms
Alm 1 SP1 Value -99999 to 99999
default = 0.000
Alarm 1 Setpoint 1 Value