DVD Multitrack Recorder DV824DVD Multitrack Recorder DV824
DVD Multitrack Recorder DV824DVD Multitrack Recorder DV824
DVD Multitrack Recorder DV824
4) Click on the "bwf" folder.
As shown in the window example below, audio files recorded in the selected
partition are shown under the Info. folder.
You can now transfer an audio file from the DV824 to the PC or vice versa.
• Transferring an audio file from the DV824 to the PC
Highlight an audio file in the right window (for the DV824) and click on "<-".
The selected audio file is transferred from the DV824 (right window) to the PC
(left window).
• Transferring an audio file from the PC to the DV824
Highlight an audio file in the left window (for the PC) and click on "->".
The selected audio file is transferred from the PC (left window) to the DV824
(right window).