
Gives the names and brief description of the menu switches. See reference pages for details
Functions enclosed in
are not available on the PAL system.
Functional No Names Description Reference
group Page
SERVO 002 OPERATION LOCK Operation mode lock ON/OFF.......................................................................... 43
003 SYNC SELECT Selects the reference sync signal (EXT or AUTO) for the servo system......... 43
005 AUTO TRACKING Selects automatic or manual tracking .............................................................. 43
008 CAP LOCK (525) Selects the color frame servo sync system ...................................................... 43
008p CAP LOCK (625) Selects the color frame servo sync system ...................................................... 44
009 CAP RELOCKING DIR Selects the color frame servo lock direction..................................................... 44
VIDEO 104 CPN LEVEL/SETUP (525) Selects Betacam or MII component level ......................................................... 44
111 VD REC SIGNAL SEL. Selects the video signal created by internal generator..................................... 44
112 ECC MODE Selects level of error correction........................................................................ 45
119 SLOW PICTURE Selects FIELD or FRAME slow motion playback mode. .................................. 45
120 NO CTL MUTING Selects if the video output mutes when playing back a blank tape .................. 45
124 CHROMA ROTE Selects the output chroma phase reference signal .......................................... 45
128 PB EXTENSION LINE Selects the extension line output during playback ........................................... 45
130 BLANKING WIDTH Selects the H blanking width ............................................................................ 46
133 LINE SETUP (525) Adds setup to composite signals...................................................................... 46
138 EXTRA LINE REC (525) Selects the video signal that will be recorded on the extra line........................ 47
139 EXTRA-L R1 SEL (525) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 1 ..................... 47
140 EXTRA-L R2 SEL (525) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 2. .................... 47
141 EXTRA-L R3 SEL (525) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 3 ..................... 47
142 EXTRA-L R4 SEL (525) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 4 ..................... 47
143 EXTRA LINE PB (525) Selects how extra line information is added during playback........................... 47
144 EXTRA-L P1 SEL (525) Selects which line to add extra line 1 information ............................................ 48
145 EXTRA-L P2 SEL (525) Selects which line to add extra line 2 information ............................................ 48
146 EXTRA-L P3 SEL (525) Selects which line to add extra line 3 information ............................................ 48
147 EXTRA-L P4 SEL (525) Selects which line to add extra line 4 information ............................................ 48
138p EXTRA LINE REC (625) Selects the video signal that will be recorded on the extra line........................ 48
139p EXTRA-L R1 SEL (625) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 1 ..................... 48
140p EXTRA-L R2 SEL (625) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 2. .................... 48
141p EXTRA-L R3 SEL (625) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 3 ..................... 48
142p EXTRA-L R4 SEL (625) Selects the input signal line that will be recorded on extra line 4 ..................... 48
143p EXTRA LINE PB (625) Selects how extra line information is added during playback ........................... 49
144p EXTRA-L P1 SEL (625) Selects which line to add extra line 1 information ............................................ 49
145p EXTRA-L P2 SEL (625) Selects which line to add extra line 2 information ............................................ 49
146p EXTRA-L P3 SEL (625) Selects which line to add extra line 3 information ............................................ 49
147p EXTRA-L P4 SEL (625) Selects which line to add extra line 4 information ............................................ 49
148 IN VBLANK YCOMB (525) Turns Y/C separation ON/OFF for composite signals in the
V. Blanking period ........................................................................................... 49
148p IN VBLANK YCOMB (625) Turns Y/C separation ON/OFF for composite signals in the
V. Blanking period ........................................................................................... 49
149 VIDEO OUT SELECT Selects the timing for output video signals during editing ................................ 50
AUDIO 214 PB V. FADE Enables V fades during playback at the audio edit transitions ......................... 50
215 AUD REC VOLUME MODE 1 Selects audio REC level adjustment as individual channels or stereo pairs.... 50
216 AUD PB VOLUME MODE 1 Selects audio PB level adjustment as individual channels or stereo pairs....... 51
219 SEARCH REC CH Selects the signal source for recording linear audio tracks .............................. 51
221 SEARCH PB AT 1+3/2+4 Switches the linear track audio ON/OFF during search ................................... 51
222 MONITOR MIX MODE Selects the audio monitor mixing level ............................................................. 51
223 CH3/4 OUT SEL AT 2CH Selects the signal output from the CH3/CH4 audio channels .......................... 52
224 AUDIO IN LEVEL CH1 Sets the audio input reference level for CH1.................................................... 52
225 AUDIO IN LEVEL CH2 Sets the audio input reference level for CH2.................................................... 52
Functional No Names Description Reference
group Page
AUDIO 226 AUDIO IN LEVEL CH3 Sets the audio input reference level for CH3.................................................... 52
227 AUDIO IN LEVEL CH4 Sets the audio input reference level for CH4.................................................... 52
228 AUDIO OUT LEVEL CH1 Sets the audio output reference level for CH1 ................................................. 52
229 AUDIO OUT LEVEL CH2 Sets the audio output reference level for CH2 ................................................. 52
230 AUDIO OUT LEVEL CH3 Sets the audio output reference level for CH3 ................................................. 52
231 AUDIO OUT LEVEL CH4 Sets the audio output reference level for CH4 ................................................. 52
232 AUDIO MON LEVEL LCH Sets the output reference level for the LCH audio monitor .............................. 52
233 AUDIO MON LEVEL RCH Sets the output reference level for the RCH audio monitor.............................. 52
236 PRO 48K S.R.CONV. Enables the sampling rate converter even when the input signal is
a professional 48K AES/EBU signal................................................................ 52
237 EMBEDDED AUDIO Disables the embedded audio signal from the SDI output signal ..................... 53
247 DIG AUD AT SYNC IN Turns the embedded audio noise ON/OFF when the sync signal is input
from a different system.................................................................................... 53
251 CH3/4 SOURCE SEL. Selects the input source for the CH3 and CH4 audio signals .......................... 53
253 CH1 REC SIGNAL SEL Selects the built-in signal generator’s CH1 audio signal .................................. 54
254 CH2 REC SIGNAL SEL Selects the built-in signal generator’s CH2 audio signal .................................. 54
255 CH3 REC SIGNAL SEL Selects the built-in signal generator’s CH3 audio signal .................................. 54
256 CH4 REC SIGNAL SEL Selects the built-in signal generator’s CH4 audio signal .................................. 54
257 AUD REF. SIGNAL LEV Selects the audio recording reference level ..................................................... 54
261 AUD SEL. AT SEARCH Selects the output audio track during search ................................................... 54
SYSTEM 300 DIRECT EJECT Enables /disables direct EJECT
(accepts EJECT command from any mode) .....
301 DIRECT SEARCH Direct search ON/OFF...................................................................................... 54
302 BACK SPACE Back space edit operation ON/OFF ................................................................. 54
307 PAUSE/STILL/STP TIME Selects duration of long-time pause/still/standby ON....................................... 55
311 AUTO PLAY Auto play operation ON/OFF............................................................................55
312 AUTO REW Auto rewind operation ON/OFF........................................................................ 55
314 PB/EE MODE Selects the modes in which the VCR automatically switches from PB to EE... 55
317 9PIN DEVICE ID Selects the device type ID returned to a 9-pin remote control ........................ 55
319 FF/REW MAX SPEED Selects the maximum tape speed in FF/REW modes...................................... 55
320 PREROLL TIME Sets the PREROLL time................................................................................... 56
323 PREROLL END MODE Selects the mode engaged after preroll operation ........................................... 56
328 EDIT POINT CLEAR Selects whether the edit point data is cleared after performing the edit........... 56
340 SEARCH SPEED Selects the maximum search speed when using the search dial..................... 56
351 PREREAD Selects the video/audio preread function ......................................................... 56
352 AUD PREREAD TIMING Selects the output audio phase correction during audio preread ..................... 56
357 DIAG AT POWER ON Enables/ disables automatic diagnosis operation at power ON ....................... 57
359 JOG FEELING (REMOTE) Selects the "feel" of an external editing /remote controller's JOG dial ............. 57
363 CONTROLLER SELECT Changes the personality of the VCR to match the type of editing
controller connected ........................................................................................ 57
367 EDIT INTERRUPTION Enables/disables channel condition monitoring during editing......................... 57
368 STARTING PIC FREEZE Selects video output source (freeze or tape) during servo lock ....................... 57
369 PARA-RUN Enables simultaneous control of multiple VCR's from a single remote ............ 58
371 INPUT SELECT SAFETY Switches ON a safety function to prevent accidental change of input router ... 58
372 P+R AT SWAP MODE Selects whether or not simultaneous operation of the player and
recorder is permitted ....................................................................................... 58
373 MATCH FRAME Switches the match frame mode ON/OFF during swap editing ....................... 58
374 MENU OPEN SAFETY Selects the method for opening the menu switch setting mode ....................... 58
375 AUD EDIT PRESET CH1 Selects the ON/OFF execution command for the (DA-1) Insert mode ............. 59
376 AUD EDIT PRESET CH2 Selects the ON/OFF execution command for the (DA-2) Insert mode ............. 59
377 AUD EDIT PRESET CH3 Selects the ON/OFF execution command for the (DA-3) Insert mode ............. 59
378 AUD EDIT PRESET CH4 Selects the ON/OFF execution command for the (DA-4) Insert mode ............. 59