Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500/2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
21-14 Polycom, Inc.
On the slider bars, red areas to the left of the blue slider buttons indicate allocated
resources and purple areas to the right of the blue slider buttons indicate unallocated
resources in the system.
When the position of a slider is changed the system calculates the effect on the
remaining system resources and adjusts the slider scales accordingly.
For example: Decreasing the allocated CIF ports from 80 to 53, free ports for allocation
that can be used to allocate up to 135 voice ports or 10 SD ports or 6 HD 720p ports, or
any combination of the resource types.
Allocating five Audio Only ports decreases the number of CIF ports while allocating one
SD port decreases the number of CIF ports.
4 Click OK to activate the new Resource Capacity.
If after resources are recalculated there are purple areas to the right of the blue slider
buttons indicating unallocated resources in the system, the system issues a warning
stating that there are un-allocated resources in the system.
5 Optional. Repeat this procedure from Step 2 to further optimize the resource
Un-allocated resources cannot be used by any participants.
If after recalculating the resources the system determines that there are insufficient
resources to support the configuration indicated by the sliders:
— A major System Alert is raised with Insufficient resources in its Description field.
— The Fixed Resource Capacity blue slider buttons are disabled.
— A warning message is displayed.
•Click OK to close the warning message box.
a Optional.
•Click the Reset Configuration button to set all the blue slider buttons to zero.
Un-allocated ResourcesAllocated Resources Slider button
Decreasing CIF Resources increases the number of available
Audio Only, SD, HD720p and HD1080p Resources