Polycom DOC2702A Home Theater Server User Manual

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Chapter 23-RMX Hardware Monitoring
Polycom, Inc. 23-13
2 Click the Event Log tab to view a log of events that was recorded by the system on the
HW component.
For more information, see "MCU Properties - Event Log” on page 23-11.
3 Click the Active Alarms tab to view alarms related to the hardware component, i.e.
temperatures and main power sensors.
For more information, see “Active Alarms” on page 23-12.
4 Click Close to return to the HW Monitor pane.
To View the Supporting Hardware Components Properties:
1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, either double-click or right-click and select properties for
the desired supporting hardware component.
The component’s properties dialog box will appear with the General Info tab displayed.
Backplane Properties:
The RMX unit’s backplane properties provides the following information:
Serial Number The hardware component’s serial number.
Card Type Displays the type of card that occupies the slot.
Card Part Number The part number of the HW component’s board.
Card MAC Address 1 Specific hardware address of the component. This address is burnt
onto the component and is automatically identified by the system.
Card MAC Address 2 (If applicable) second Mac address.
Table 23-10 Card Properties - General Info (Continued)
Field Description
Table 23-11 Backplane Properties- General Info
Field Description
HW Version The Backplane’s current hardware version.
SW Version The Backplane’s current software version.
Serial Number The Backplane’s serial number.
Card Type The name of the hardware component for which information is being
displayed, e.g. Backplane.