Programmer’s Reference Manual 53
High Definition Audio Controller Registers (D27:F0)
1.2.28 RIRBSTS—RIRB Status Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 5Dh Attribute: R/WC
Default Value: 00h Size: 8 bits
1.2.29 RIRBSIZE—RIRB Size Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 5Eh Attribute: RO
Default Value: 42h Size: 8 bits
1.2.30 IC—Immediate Command Register
High Definition Audio Controller—D27:F0)
Memory Address: HDBAR + 60h Attribute: R/W
Default Value: 00000000h Size: 32 bits
Bit Description
7:3 Reserved.
Response Overrun Interrupt Status — R/WC.
0 = Software clears this bit by writing a 1 to it.
1 = Software sets this bit to 1 when the RIRB DMA engine is not able to write the incoming
responses to memory before additional incoming responses overrun the internal FIFO. When
the overrun occurs, the hardware will drop the responses that overrun the buffer. An interrupt
may be generated if the Response Overrun Interrupt Control bit is set. Note that this status bit is
set even if an interrupt is not enabled for this event.
1 Reserved.
Response Interrupt — R/WC.
0 = Software clears this bit by writing a 1 to it.
1 = Hardware sets this bit to 1 when an interrupt has been generated after N number of Responses
are sent to the RIRB buffer OR when an empty Response slot is encountered on all SDI[x]
inputs (whichever occurs first). Note that this status bit is set even if an interrupt is not enabled
for this event.
Bit Description
RIRB Size Capability — RO. Hardwired to 0100b indicating that the ICH7 only supports a RIRB size
of 256 RIRB entries (2048B)
3:2 Reserved.
1:0 RIRB Size — RO. Hardwired to 10b which sets the CORB size to 256 entries (2048B)
Bit Description
Immediate Command Write — R/W. The command to be sent to the codec via the Immediate
Command mechanism is written to this register. The command stored in this register is sent out over
the link during the next available frame after a 1 is written to the ICB bit (HDBAR + 68h: bit 0)