Programmer’s Reference Manual 85
AC ’97 Audio Controller Registers (D30:F2)
2.2.9 GLOB_STA—Global Status Register (Audio—D30:F2)
I/O Address: NABMBAR + 30h Attribute: RO, R/W, R/WC
Default Value: 00x0xxx01110000000000xxxxx00xxxb Size: 32 bits
Lockable: No Power Well: Core
Bit Description
31:30 Reserved.
ACZ_SDIN2 Resume Interrupt (S2RI) — R/WC. This bit indicates a resume event occurred on
ACZ_SDIN2. Software clears this bit by writing a 1 to it.
0 = Resume event did Not occur.
1 = Resume event occurred.
NOTE: This bit is not affected by D3
to D0 Reset.
ACZ_SDIN2 Codec Ready (S2CR)
— RO. Reflects the state of the codec ready bit on
ACZ_SDIN2. Bus masters ignore the condition of the codec ready bits, so software must check this
bit before starting the bus masters. Once the codec is “ready”, it must never go “not ready”
0 = Not Ready.
1 = Ready.
Bit Clock Stopped (BCS)
— RO. This bit indicates that the bit clock is not running.
0 = Transition is found on BIT_CLK.
1 = ICH7 detected that there has been no transition on BIT_CLK for four consecutive PCI clocks.
S/PDIF Interrupt (SPINT)
— RO.
0 = When the specific status bit is cleared, this bit will be cleared.
1 = S/PDIF out channel interrupt status bits have been set.
PCM In 2 Interrupt (P2INT)
— RO.
0 = When the specific status bit is cleared, this bit will be cleared.
1 = One of the PCM In 2 channel status bits have been set.
Microphone 2 In Interrupt (M2INT)
— RO.
0 = When the specific status bit is cleared, this bit will be cleared.
1 = One of the Mic in channel interrupts status bits has been set.
Sample Capabilities
— RO. This field indicates the capability to support greater than 16-bit audio.
00 = Reserved
01 = 16 and 20-bit Audio supported (ICH7 value)
10 = Reserved
11 = Reserved
Multichannel Capabilities
— RO. This field indicates the capability to support more 4 and 6
channels on PCM Out.
19:18 Reserved.
MD3 — R/W. Power down semaphore for Modem. This bit exists in the suspend well and maintains
context across power states (except G3). The bit has no hardware function. It is used by software in
conjunction with the AD3 bit to coordinate the entry of the two codecs into D3 state.
NOTE: This bit is not affected by D3
to D0 Reset.
AD3 — R/W. Power down semaphore for Audio. This bit exists in the suspend well and maintains
context across power states (except G3). The bit has no hardware function. It is used by software in
conjunction with the MD3 bit to coordinate the entry of the two codecs into D3 state.
NOTE: This bit is not affected by D3
to D0 Reset.
Read Completion Status (RCS) — R/WC. This bit indicates the status of codec read completions.
0 = A codec read completes normally.
1 = A codec read results in a time-out. The bit remains set until being cleared by software writing a
1 to the bit location.
NOTE: This bit is not affected by D3
to D0 Reset.