3 - 18
3 Function Specifications
3-4-4 Collision detection function
Collision detection function quickly detects a collision of the motor shaft, and decelerates and stops the
motor. This suppresses the generation of an excessive torque in the machine tool, and helps to prevent an
abnormal state from occurring.Impact at a collision will not be prevented by using this collision detection
function, so this function does not necessarily guarantee that the machine tool will not be damaged or that
the machine accuracy will be maintained after a collision.
The same caution as during regular operation is required to prevent the machine from colliding.
3-4-5 Safety observation function
This function is aimed at allowing a safety access to the machine's working part by opening the protection
door, etc. without shutting the power for saving the setup time.
Both the NC control system and drive system (servo and spindle drive units) doubly observe the axis feed
rate so that it will not exceed the safety speed. If it exceeds the set safety speed, emergency stop occurs
and the power is shut OFF.
3-4-6 Fan stop detection
The rotation of the radiation fin cooling fan is observed and when the fan stops rotating for a breakdown of
the fan or an external factor, warning is detected.(The system will not be stopped.) Before sudden system
down by the power module overheat, inspection and replacement of the fan are prompted.
3-4-7 Open-phase detection
Disconnection of a phase of the 3-phase input power is detected.
The occurrence of abnormal operation will be avoided by open-phase detection because open-phase does
not cause a power failure, however, abnormal operation will occur when the motor load becomes large.
3-4-8 Contactor weld detection
It detects that a contact of the external contactor is welding and cannot be opened.
Collision detection function outline
(a) A collision of machine is detected.
(b) A retracting torque is generated.
The collision of machine is reduced.
Motor detector
Speed F/B
Drive CPU
FB speed observationFB speed observation
Command speed
Command speed
Speed observation
Speed observation
Servo control