Bit 0: J0_OOF: J0_OOF = 0 when the most significant bits of all J0 bytes are zero except for the MSB of
the frame start marker byte. The J0 monitor framer searches for 15 consecutive J0 bytes that have
a zero in their MSB and followed by a J0 byte with a zero in its MSB.
J0_OOF = 1 once the J0 monitor framer is in frame. It remains in frame until three consecutive J0
bytes are received with at least one MSB bit error.
Bits 7-6: Reserved
Bit 5: RX_LOS: Set if HDMP-3001 receives Loss of Signal indication from the optical transceiver.
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 3: RX_OOF: RX_OOF = 1 if the receive framer receives five successive frames with at least one bit
error in the A1-A2-A2-A2 framing pattern. RX_OOF = 0 if the receive framer finds two successive
frames in which the A1-A2-A2-A2 framing bytes match the framing pattern 0xF6282828.
Bit 2: RX_LOF: RX_LOF = 1 if RX_OOF is active continuously for 24 consecutive frames (3 ms).
RX_LOF = 0 if RX_OOF is inactive continuously for 3 ms.
Bits 1-0: Reserved
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit name Reserved Reserved RX_LOS Reserved RX_OOF RX_LOF Reserved Reserved
R/W ——R — RR——
Value 00001100
ADDR=0x103: Receive SOH Status