Recording Programs
Record using the VCR Plus+ System
After mapping the VCR Plus+ Guide channels (usually available in your local
newspaper’s TV listings) to channels in your channel lineup, you can enter the PlusCode
programming number to record a program. (See page 51.)
Record from a Video Camera or VCR
You can record content from a video camera or VCR (video tapes) to your Recorder.
While recording from a video camera or VCR, all other functions are unavailable. No
programs will be recorded from TV, and you will not be able to watch recordings, live TV,
or DVDs. If recording from video camera or VCR causes disk space conflicts or upcoming
scheduled program recording conflicts, you will be notified and given the option to
continue or cancel.
To record from your video camera or VCR:
1. Go to TiVo Central, then select Pick Programs to Record, then “Record from a Video
Camera or VCR,” then select “Yes, continue.”
2. Connect the video camera or VCR to input line 2 on the back of the Recorder using
composite cables. (For more information about connecting a video camera or VCR to
your Recorder, see the Installation Guide.) Turn on the video camera or VCR and
select “Done connecting and turning on camera/VCR” to continue.
3. On the Name Recording screen, enter the name of your recording by using the arrow
keys on your remote control to highlight a character, then press SELECT. Use
THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN to change to uppercase or lowercase. Select
“Done entering name” when you are finished.
TiVo Central Pick Programs to Record Record from a Video Camera or VCR