Pelco DX8100 DVR User Manual

222 C2630M-C (7/09)
The DX8100 automatically stores system information in a number of log files. Users with Power User or greater permissions can use these files
to track system statistics and monitor security. The DX8100 allows you to view its activity log and Windows OS log files.
NOTE: If the Log View dialog box displays multiple System On notifications, but does not display any System Off notifications, the unit has
failed. Contact Pelco Product Support for more information.
This section describes how to use the system logs and includes the following topics:
Viewing a Log File on page 222
Exporting Log Information on page 224
Table BE describes the DX8100 activities and Windows OS log views. The log views are available from the DX8100 server’s View menu.
Viewing a Log File
To view a log file:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click the System button . The System page is displayed.
3. In the Log Information section, select a log file from the Choose drop-down box.
4. Do one of the following:
a. To view DX8100 logs, click View. The Log View dialog box opens.
Figure 170 shows the Log View dialog box.
Figure 170. Log View Dialog Box
b. To view OS log information, do the following:
Table BE. DX8100 Activities and Windows OS Log Files
DX8100 Log View Windows OS Log View
System On/Off Success
System Failure Error
Export Warning
Backup Information
Network Connection Audit_Sucess
Login ID List with Time Audit_Failure
Video Loss Audit_Failure