Pelco DX8100 DVR User Manual

24 C2630M-C (7/09)
Table A describes the parts of the DX8100 application window.
Table A. Parts of the DX8100 Application Window
Item Part Description
Title Bar Displays the DX8100 application title.
Menu Bar Provides access to drop-down menus.
Toolbar Provides access to display, setup, export, and search tools.
Site Tree Displays top-down, hierarchical management of DX8100 resources, such as servers, cameras, alarms, and relays.
View Panels Display live and playback video from attached cameras. A view panel consists of view panes.
View pane: A view pane is a division of a view panel. Each view pane contains only a single camera channel.
Up to 36 view panes can fit in a single view panel.
View panel: A view panel is made up of the entire DX8100 viewing area. View panels are divided into
multiple panes. A panel can display from one to 36 individual cameras.
For additional information about view panels and panes, refer to Switching Between Standard and Extended
Panel Views on page 30.
PTZ Control Panel Allows users with access rights to operate camera lens control features and to program PTZ presets, patterns,
auxiliary outputs, and tours. This panel is hidden in the extended view mode. In this case, select the standard
view mode to display the PTZ control panel. For information about how to select view modes, refer to Switching
Between Standard and Extended Panel Views on page 30.
Index View Panel Allows users with access rights to search motion and alarm events within a 24-hour period specified in the
playback timeline. By default, this panel is not displayed.
Playback Timeline Displays a 24-hour timeline marked with color-coded video events. Allows users with Standard User access rights
to select a date and time for playback. This panel is hidden in the extended view mode. In this case, select the
standard view mode to display the playback timeline. For information about how to select view modes, refer to
Switching Between Standard and Extended Panel Views on page 30.
Playback Control
Provides buttons for users with access rights to control video playback. Includes forward and reverse playback
and still image. It also provides controls for playback speed and volume. This panel is hidden in the extended
view mode. In this case, select the standard view mode to display the playback timeline control panel. For
information about how to select view modes, refer to Switching Between Standard and Extended Panel Views
on page 30.
PTZ OSD Menu or
Digital Zoom
This control provides two functions depending on whether the DX8100 is operating in Live view or playback
Live view mode: Provides whether the DX8100 is operating in Live view or playback mode: users with
access rights to operate PTZ OSD features. For information about using the PTZ OSD menu controls, refer to
Using the PTZ OSD Menu Control on page 58.This panel is hidden in the extended view mode. In this case,
select the standard view mode to display the playback zoom control. For information about how to select view
modes, refer to Switching Between Standard and Extended Panel Views on page 30.
Playback mode: Provides users with access rights to operate digital zoom features. This panel is hidden in
the extended view mode. In this case, select the standard view mode to display the playback zoom control. For
information about how to select view modes, refer to
Switching Between Standard and Extended Panel
Views on page 30.
Status Bar Displays the current date and time, recorder processing status, disk status indicator, user name (of the current
logged in user), and total amount of recorded video.
NOTE: As the storage array of the DX8100 fills beyond its capacity, video is deleted in a first-in, first-out (FIFO)
fashion. The disk status indicator on the status bar shows the amount of disk space used by recorded video. The
red indicator marks the current recording position of the disk array, blue indicators mark parts of the array that are
storing previously recorded video, and clear indicates that no video has been recorded in that area of the array.