Manual Update Procedure
350-9047 v3.0.1 DGy Model 201x User’s Guide 147
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17) Type the command bin and press ENTER.
18) Upload the file FPGADGY_x.y.z.tgz to the DGy 201x using the
put command as in
Step 8..
19. Type ls and press ENTER to verify that the file was uploaded.
20. Type bye and press ENTER to exit ftp.
. . . . . . . . .
21. At the prompt, begin a Telnet session.
22. Type the ufpga command and press ENTER.
23. Type y to proceed or n to terminate the process.
24) Reconnect the serial emulator or start a new Telnet session
with the DGy 201x and type ver. The DGy 201x should respond
with the new firmware version number.
Alternately, restart the Applications Suite and click on DGy WCP.
The new firmware version will be displayed in the WCP
Configuration window.
The firmware upgrade process is now complete.
Important Communications with the DGy 201x will again be lost
during the installation process. This is normal and
does not indicate that there is a problem with the
installation process. This process may take several
Do NOT turn the power off during this time.