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2) Procedure using [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] in GX Developer
• Select [Online] [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)].
• The Write to PLC (Flash ROM) screen appears.
• Select the target memory.
• Select a file to be written and write it to the Flash card.
(3) Adding or changing a file in the Flash card
Add or change the file by either of the following methods (stored files cannot be added or changed directly).
(a) When writing files using [Write the program memory to ROM] in GX Developer
• To read all files in the program memory, select [Online] [Read from PLC].
• Add or change the read files.
• Write the added or changed files to the program memory.
• Select [Online] [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] [Write the program memory to ROM] and write the files to
the Flash card.
(b) When writing files using [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] in GX Developer
• To read all files in the Flash card, select [Online] [Read from PLC].
• Add or change the read files.
• Select [Online] [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] [Write to PLC (Flash ROM)] and write the files to the
Flash card.
Figure 5.17 Write to PLC (Flash ROM) screen