Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

2 - 14
(a) Program name
Enter the name (file name) of the program to be executed in the CPU module.
(b) Execute type
Select an execution type of the program set under "Program name".
The CPU module executes programs whose execution type has been set here according to the
setting order
1) Initial execution type ("Initial")
This program is executed only once when the CPU module is powered on or its status is switched
from STOP to RUN.
( Section 2.3.1)
2) Scan execution type ("Scan")
This program is executed once in every scan, starting in the next scan of which the initial
execution type program is executed and later.
( Section 2.3.2)
3) Stand-by type ("Wait")
This program is executed only when its execution is requested.
( Section 2.3.3)
4) Fixed scan execution type ("Fixed scan")
This program is executed at time intervals specified with fixed scan interval and unit.
( Section 2.3.4)
Fixed scan interval ("Fixed scan interval")
Enter the execution interval of fixed scan execution type program.
The setting range varies depending on the setting unit.
When the unit is "ms" : 0.5 to 999.5ms (in increments of 0.5ms)
When the unit is "s" : 1 to 60s (in increments of 1s)
Unit ("In unit")
Select the unit ("ms" or "s") of the fixed scan interval.