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(3) Procedure before boot operation
The following explains the procedures to store the files to be booted in the memory card and then start boot
(a) Creating a program
Create a program.
(b) Boot file setting
Set the names of files to be booted to the program memory in the Boot file tab of the PLC parameter
dialog box.
(c) Mounting the memory card
Mount the memory card to the CPU module.
(d) Writing to the memory card
Write the parameters and programs set in the Boot file tab to the memory card.
(e) Executing the program
Set the RUN/STOP/RESET switch to RESET.
The BOOT LED turns on after a boot from the specified memory is completed.
(f) Checking whether a boot is normally completed
The following status indicates normal completion of boot operation.
• The BOOT LED turns on.
• The special relay (SM660) turns on.
• The data written to the transfer source memory and the data in the program memory are found the same
by verification made by selecting [Online] [Verify with PLC] in GX Developer.
Figure 5.21 Boot file tab