Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

9 - 42
(b) Reading
The link device ranges of network modules can be read.
Writing or reading data by using a link direct device is allowed for only one network module that is on the same network.
If two or more network modules are mounted on the same network, a network module with the lowest slot number is the
target of writing or reading by the link direct device.
For example, if network modules set as station numbers 1 and 2 are mounted on network number 1 as shown in Figure 9.53,
station number 2 is the target of the link direct device.
(4) Differences between link direct devices and link refresh
For network parameters, common parameters, and network refresh parameters, refer to the following.
Network manual for each network module
Setting method:
GX Developer Version 8 Operating Manual
Figure 9.53 When two or more network module are mounted on the same network
Table9.5 Differences between link direct devices and link refresh
Item Link direct device Link refresh
Description on
Link relay
J \K4B0 or higher
B0 or higher
Link register
J \W0 or higher
W0 or higher
Link special relay
J \K4SB0 or higher
SB0 or higher
Link special register
J \SW0 or higher
SW0 or higher
Number of steps 2 steps 1 step
Range of network module access
J \ 0 to J \ 3FFF
Range specified by refresh parameters
Guaranteed access data integrity Word (16-bit) units
Network No.1
Writing/reading using link direct devices not allowed
Writing/reading using link direct devices allowed