Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

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(5) 32-bit index modification
Since the index modification range is expanded to 32 bits, index modification for the entire file register areas is
possible. ( Section 9.6.1)
(6) Communication via the built-in Ethernet port of the CPU module
The Built-in Ethernet port QCPU can communicate with MELSOFT, GOT, and external devices using the built-in
Ethernet port of the module.
QnUCPU User's Manual (Communication via Built-in Ethernet Port)
(7) Communication with the personal computer and HMI by the serial
communication function ( Section 6.23)
The Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU can communicate using the MELSEC communication
protocol (hereafter, MC protocol) by connecting a RS-232 interface and personal computer or HMI.
The CPU module functions are added at the update of serial number of CPU module or GX Developer version.
For functions added by the update, refer to Appendix 2.
Figure 1.19 32-bit index modification
Figure 1.20 Communication with the personal computer or HMI
K1042431 Z0DMOV
File register in the serial
number access method
Use the index register (Z) when indexing the
file register (ZR) in the serial number access
method by 32 bits.
Applicable range
of existing index
Applicable range of index modification
for the Universal model QCPU
Personal computer or HMI
RS-232 cable
Communication using the MC protocol