Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

6 - 130
(3) Operations for service processing setting
Operations for each service processing setting is described below.
(a) Operation when "Execute the process as the scan time proceeds." is selected
1) Operation when 10% is set
If no request data for service processing exists, END processing speeds up by the request processing time. (The CPU
module does not wait for requests.)
2) Operation for constant scan setting
The calculation of the service processing time is a calculation of the percentage of the time excluding the
waiting time of the constant scan from the scan time, not a calculation of the percentage of the scan time.
Operation when 50% is set
When setting the constant scan, selecting "Execute it while waiting for constant scan setting." can perform the service
processing efficiently. ( (3)(d) in this section)
Figure 6.96 Operation when 10% is set
Figure 6.97 Operation for constant scan setting
Program execution
END processing
1st scan
Request 1
Program execution
END processing
2nd scan
Request 2-1
Program execution
END processing
3rd scan
Request 3
GX Developer
The service processing time depends on the
scan time (program execution time).
When the time required for processing
one request exceeds 10% of one scan
time, the service processing is suspended
and the request is processed at END
processing in the next scan.
Request 1
Request 2
Request 3
Request 4
Request 5
Request 2-2
Program execution
END processing
Waiting time
Service processing
Scan time (constant scan setting)
0% 50% 100%
Service processing time