Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

Appendix 3 Method of Replacing Basic Model QCPU or High Performance Model QCPU with Universal
Model QCPU
Appendix 3.3 Instructions
App - 25
Appendix 3.3.2 Replacing programs using multiple CPU transmission
dedicated instructions
(1) Replacing the module with the QnUD(H)CPU or Built-in Ethernet port QCPU
TableApp.26 shows instructions need to be replaced and corresponding alternative instructions. For
the specifications of each instruction, refer to the manuals for the Motion CPU.
(2) Replacing the module with the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, or Q02UCPU
The Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU support the same multiple CPU transmission dedicated instructions
used in the Basic model QCPU.
The alternative instructions in TableApp.27 are not available for these CPU modules.
TableApp.27 SFC instructions not supported in the QnUD(H)CPU and Built-in Ethernet port QCPU and thier alternatives
Symbol Instruction description
Symbol of alternative
S(P).DDWR Write other CPU device data into host CPU D(P).DDWR
S(P).DDRD Read other CPU device data into host CPU D(P).DDRD
S(P).SFCS Request of motion SFC program startup D(P).SFCS
S(P).SVST Request of servo program startup D(P).SVST
S(P).CHGA Current value change of halted axis/synchronized encoder/cam axis D(P).CHGA
S(P).CHGV Axis speed change during positioning and JOG operation D(P).CHGV
S(P).CHGT Torque control value change during operation and suspension in real mode D(P).CHGT
S(P).GINT Request of other CPU interrupt program startup D(P).GINT