Mitsubishi Electronics QnUCPU Home Theater Server User Manual

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3.5 Operation Processing in the RUN,STOP, or PAUSE Status
There are three types of operating status of the CPU module.
•RUN status
•STOP status
•PAUSE status
This section describes program operation processing in the CPU module based on its operating status.
(1) Operation processing in the RUN status
RUN status is a status where sequence program operations are repeatedly performed in a loop
between the step 0 and the END (FEND) instruction.
(a) Output status when entering the RUN status
The CPU module outputs either of the following according to the output mode parameter setting when its status
is changed to RUN. ( Section 6.4)
Output (Y) status saved immediately before entering the STOP status
Result of operations performed for one scan after entering the RUN status
(b) Processing time required before operations
The processing time required for the CPU module to start sequence program operations after its
operating status is changed from STOP to RUN varies depending on the system configuration and/
or parameter settings. (It takes one to three seconds normally.)
(2) Operation processing in the STOP status
STOP status is a status where sequence program operations are stopped by the RUN/STOP/RESET
switch or the remote STOP function (
Section 6.6.1).
The CPU module status will be changed to STOP when a stop error occurs.
(a) Output status when entering the STOP status
When entering the STOP status, the CPU module saves data in the output (Y) and turns off all
The device memory other than that of the output (Y) will be held.
(3) Operation processing in the PAUSE status
PAUSE status is a status where sequence program operations are stopped by the remote PAUSE
function (
Section 6.6.2) after operations are performed for one scan, holding the output and
device memory status.