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The KBD300A allows you to operate certain DX8000 live view display functions and control camera PTZ operations from a keyboard rather than a
When connected to the DX8000 server, the KBD300A supports two modes: the Standard mode and the Shift mode. The Shift mode is entered by
pressing the Shift button and is indicated by the lighting of the shift button LED. For information about how to operate the KBD300A, refer to the
KBD300A Universal Keyboard Installation/Operation manual.
This section describes the KBD300A operational features and is organized as follows:
• KBD300A Standard Mode Operational Features on page 59
• KBD300A Shift Mode Operational Features on page 60
For information about connecting the KBD300A to the DX8000, refer to the DX8000 Installation manual. For information about configuring
DX8000 data communication settings for the KBD300A, refer to Setting Up the KBD300A Keyboard on page 161.
The KBD300A Standard mode allows you to control certain DX8000 operation features in the view pane from the keyboard.
This section describes the KBD300A Standard mode features/functions. The Standard mode is effective within the DX8000 view pane. You can
program camera presets and patterns, operate the camera PTZ features, and assign cameras to panes. For detailed information about how to
operate the KBD300A, refer to the KBD300A Universal Keyboard Installation/Operation manual. For information about configuring DX8000 data
communication settings for the KBD300A, refer to Setting Up the KBD300A Keyboard on page 161.
The following table describes the KBD300A Standard mode operational features specific for the DX8000 server.
To place the KBD300A in the standard mode:
Table R. KB300A Standard Operational Mode Features
Keyboard Control Action
Joystick Controls the camera’s PTZ operation.
Number + PRESET (short) Moves camera to the programmed preset position.
Number + PRESET (long) Programs the current camera position to the desired preset number.
Number + PATTERN (long) Starts the pattern record mode.
ACK Stops the pattern record mode.
Number + PATTERN Runs the desired pattern.
Number + AUX ON/AUX OFF Turns the specified auxiliary output on or off.
Number + MON Assigns the selected camera to the desired view pane. The active view pane is highlighted.
On the KBD300A keyboard, press the SHIFT button.
The LED indicator should be off.