About this book
26 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
Section Two, in addition to an initial roadmap and top-level tasklist, is organized into five
chapters containing installation and/or upgrade scenarios. These scenarios emphasize the use
of the Avaya Installation Wizard (IW), Gateway Installation Wizard (GIW), and Upgrade Tool
(UT). These five chapters include:
● Chapter 3: Installing a new G700 with an S8300 using the Avaya Installation Wizard
● Chapter 4: Installing a new G700 without an S8300 using the Gateway Installation Wizard
● Chapter 5: Upgrading an existing S8300A to R3.1 using the Web pages
● Chapter 6: Upgrading an existing S8300B to R3.1 using the Upgrade Tool
● Chapter 7: Upgrading an existing G700 without an S8300 using the Upgrade Tool
Following these chapters is a chapter covering the installation of telephones and adjunct
systems that are performed as part of any installation. This chapter is:
● Chapter 8: Telephones and adjunct systems
Section Three, in addition to an initial roadmap and top-level tasklist, contains manual
procedures to perform the same installation or upgrade scenarios described in Chapters 3 - 7.
This section is organized into the following chapters:
● Chapter 9: Manual installation of a new G700 with an S8300
● Chapter 10: Manual installation of a new G700 without an S8300
● Chapter 11: Manual upgrade of an existing S8300A and G700 to R3.1
● Chapter 12: Manual upgrade of an existing S8300B and G700 to R3.1
● Chapter 13: Manual upgrade of an existing G700 without an S8300 to R3.1
Read Chapter 1: Roadmaps and reference information, before you begin the installation.
Chapter 1 contains checklists for the four installation and upgrade scenarios. Then read and
follow the procedures in the chapters that apply to the installation or upgrade scenario you are
working with. Chapter 1 also contains information on alternative methods to connect to and
access a G700 system.
Read Chapter 2: Hardware installation for the G700 Media Gateway and S8300 Media Server
for instructions on installing and cabling the hardware.
Read Chapter 8: Telephones and adjunct systems
if you need to install phones or adjuncts.
Chapter 8 covers the IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging Application, the INTUITY LX
Messaging System, the G700 Sourced Announcements, Avaya Integrated Management, the
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Universal Serial Bus (USB) Modems, and other adjuncts.