Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 108
Signal Select
Selects one of 48 inputs based on the action and outputs it as CVn OV.
Table 4-18 describes the Signal Select prompts. See Table 4-2 for additional prompts.
Table 4-18 Signal Select Prompts
Prompt Range/Selections Definition
OFF or number Displayed output value will be clamped and will flash when
these limits are exceeded.
INPUT #1 - INPUT #48 OFF, analog parameter,
Up to 48 input sources to be selected from according to the
ACTION HIGH Selects the highest value input.
LOW Selects the lowest value input.
AVG Averages the input values.
MIDDLE Selects the middle (median) input value. If the number of
inputs is even, selects the sum of the middle two input values
divided by 2.
F-GOOD (First Good) If inputs fail, selects the first good input to the
function block. For example, if inputs 1 and 2 fail, then input
3 is selected.
ANA-SW (Analog Switch) Selects an input equal to the value of the
ANALOG SELECT parameter.
DIS-SW (Discrete Switch) Selects Input #1 or #2 according to state of
ANALOG SELECT OFF, analog parameter,
Example: if ASEL=3, then Input #3 is selected. If ANALOG
SELECT < 1, Input #1 is selected. The value of ANALOG
SELECT is truncated to a whole number. For example, if
ANALOG SELECT is 3.55, the value is truncated to 3 and
Input #3 is selected.
DISCRETE SELECT OFF, discrete parameter,
0, 1
Selects Input #1 when DISCRETE SELECT is off (0); selects
Input #2 when DISCRETE SELECT is ON (1). Inputs 3-48
are unused.