Diagnostic and error messages
Video Recorder – User Manual 257
Table 9-4 Error Messages (continued)
Error Description User Action
Low Limit Outside of
AI circuit low limit is < voltage limit of -500 mV.
Change circuit low limit to > -500
Low limit Outside of
For thermocouple or RTD, Range Low limit is < the
low limit for that type.
Change limit to within specified
limits for that type. (Table 4-3)
Low Output Limit less
than Zero
A current output (CAT) low limit is less than zero.
Change current output (CAT) low
limit to greater than or equal to
Monthly Periods Must Be
Periodic Timer CV period is monthly but no phase is
Change Periodic Timer phase.
No Room for Function
System has used all allocated function blocks.
Verify programming of affected
function block.
Number of Frames Out of
Rolling Average CV # of Samples is less than 1 or
greater than 60.
Change # of Samples to 1-60.
Out of EEPROM Memory No more static memory or EEPROM memory.
Verify programming of affected
function block.
Out of RAM Memory No more RAM available.
Verify programming of affected
function block.
Output Limits Equal Output (range) limits (low and high) must be unequal. Change to unequal limits
Pairs Inconsistent
Applies to custom AI or Function Generator CV.
Curve has Xn but no Yn or vice versa. Curve does
not have at least 2 X,Y pairs.
Program a Y for each X or vice
versa. Program at least 2 X’s and
2 Y’s.
Request Made with
Invalid Tag
Probably caused by someone incorrectly editing the
configuration file or by a corrupt .LNC file.
Verify programming of affected
function block.
Requires a Deviation
Deviation alarm does not contain deviation. Program alarm with deviation.
Requires Input
Alarm does not contain an input. Program alarm with input.
Requires Setpoint
Alarm does not contain a setpoint. Program alarm with a setpoint.
RJ Not in Curve
AI is custom type, class thermocouple, RJ enabled
but curve does not contain 0-65 degrees C (32-149
degrees F).
Y values must contain 0-65
degrees C (32-149 degrees F).
Temperature Constant
Not Programmed or Less
Than Zero
F0 Sterilization CV Temperature constant is not
programmed or is less than zero.
Program Temperature constant
with value greater than or equal to
Temperature Input Not
Programmed or Less
Than Zero
F0 Sterilization CV Temperature Input is not
programmed or is less than zero.
Program Temperature input with
value greater than or equal to
Temperature Reference
Not Programmed or Less
Than Zero
F0 Sterilization CV Reference Temperature is not
programmed or is less than zero.
Program Reference Temperature
with value greater than or equal to