Honeywell VRX180 DVR User Manual

Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 131
Relative Humidity
Outputs CVn OV relative humidity as a function of dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, and
atmospheric pressure.
Table 4-39 describes the Relative Humidity prompts. See Table 4-2 for additional prompts.
Table 4-39 Relative Humidity Prompts
Prompt Range/Selections Definition
OFF or number Enter the output’s display limits. Output is not clamped
or flashed when it exceeds these limits.
DRY BULB TEMP OFF, analog parameter,
Dry bulb temperature in temperature units selected.
WET BULB TEMP OFF, analog parameter,
Wet bulb temperature in temperature units selected.
ATM PRESS (PA) OFF, analog parameter,
Enter atmospheric pressure in Pascals. 101325 Pa. Is
one standard atmosphere.
TEMPERATURE UNITS F, C, K, R Select the temperature units for the calculation. Units
are for wet bulb and dry bulb.