Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 125
Interval Timer
This timer counts down from the preset value in minutes. This time remaining is CVn OV. The timer
has a single discrete output CVn OS which is ON(1) while the timer is actively counting or while RESET
is ON(1), and OFF(0) while the timer has timed out to zero. When RESET/RUN switches ON(1) the
timer resets to the preset value; an ON(1) to OFF(0) transition starts the timer.
Table 4-34 describes the Interval Timer prompts. See Table 4-2 for additional prompts.
Table 4-34 Interval Timer Prompts
Prompt Range/Selections Definition
PRESET OFF, analog parameter,
Timer counts to zero from this number of minutes.
RESET/RUN OFF, discrete parameter, 0, 1 Controls the operation of the timer.
OFF or number Enter the output’s display limits. Output is not clamped or
flashed when it exceeds these limits.