Honeywell VRX180 DVR User Manual

Programming Function Blocks and Features
Video Recorder – User Manual 79
4. How To Program Function Blocks and Features
4.1 Overview
This section describes all the programming procedures to get your instrument up and running, except
Profiles which are discussed in Section 5. It describes the entire Program Mode menu and some items
from the Online Mode menu.
What’s in this section?
The following topics are covered in this section.
Topic Page
Overview 79
Programming Tips 80
The Program Mode Menu 81
Frequently used programming prompts 82
Set Mode 83
Enter Labels 84
Program Analog Inputs 87
Program Control Loops 90
Program Analog Outputs 101
Program Discrete Inputs 104
Program Discrete Outputs 105
Program Calculated Values 106
Program Alarms 143
Program Totalizers 144
Program Profiles 146
Program Constants 147
Copy Block 149
Program Displays 150
Enable Features 159
Program Security 160
Serial Communications 161
Set Clock 162
Load/Store Configuration 163
Scan Rate 164
Select Language 165
Data Storage 166