Programming and Operating Concepts
Video Recorder – User Manual 55
3.11 How to program input parameters
A function block has two types of programmable parameters: input parameters and function block
parameters. When in a function block’s Program menu, if a menu item has choices OFF, a number, or
PARM, then the menu item is an input parameter to that function block. That is, if you choose PARM
you can connect the input parameter to another function block’s output code.
How to connect an input parameter to another function block
One way to program an input parameter is to connect it to an output parameter from another function
block. We will show you this procedure using a specific function block’s input parameter, but the
keystrokes used in the procedure will apply when you are making any input parameter connection.
Figure 3-8 Example Input Parameter Connection
Assume we want to make the connections shown in Figure 3-8. We want Analog Output#1, a current
output, to get its input from Control Loop#2’s output value. Therefore, we must program Analog
Output#1’s Input Source parameter with the output code that represents Control Loop#2’s output value.
The following procedure shows how.
Table 3-5 Output Code Connection Procedure
Step Action
1 In the Program Analog Output menu, select ANALOG OUTPUT#1.
2 Consult the Program Analog Output section of this manual to learn about the menu item you wish to
change, namely, INPUT SOURCE.
3 Press Down Arrow button to move the cursor to the menu choice INPUT SOURCE.
4 Press Enter to move the cursor to the right side of the display where the choices for INPUT SOURCE
5 Press Up Arrow until PARM is displayed. If you press too many times and a number is displayed,
continue pressing Up Arrow until PARM is displayed again. If you press Down Arrow while the
number is displayed, the instrument assumes you want to enter a number, not a parameter. If you
pressed Down Arrow, you must press Menu, then press Enter, then Up Arrow until PARM is
6 Press Enter to select PARM, which gives you choices for output codes to connect to. Figure 3-9
shows the format for all output codes.
7 Press Up Arrow or Down Arrow until LP is displayed. From Table 3-4, we know LP is the designator
for the Control Loop function block type.
8 Press Enter to select LP.
9 Press Up Arrow or Down Arrow until 2, the Control Loop number we want, is displayed.
10 Press Enter to select 2.
11 Press Up Arrow or Down Arrow until OV is displayed. From Table 3-4 we know OV is the output
code for the Control Loop’s output value.
12 Press Enter to select OV. The cursor moves to the left and the connection from LP2 OV to Analog
Output#1’s INPUT SOURCE has been made.