Honeywell VRX180 DVR User Manual

Setpoint Profiler
Video Recorder – User Manual 204
How to advance a profiler to the next segment
Table 5-16 Profiler Advance Procedure
Step Action Result/Notes
1 Place profiler in Hold. See Profiler Hold procedure inTable 5-14.
2 Press Decrement button to move cursor to
Advance. Press Enter.
Profiler advances to next segment. Each press of
Enter advances the profiler one segment. If at
the last segment, the profiler advances to the first
segment. If it is a multiphase profile, the profiler
advances within the batch phase only. Events
assume their segment states.
3 To resume running the profiler, select Start. Profile resumes running from the new segment.
How to shut down a profiler
Table 5-17 Profiler Shutdown Procedure
Step Action Result/Notes
1 Place profiler in Hold by performing Profiler
holding procedure (Table 5-14).
See Profiler Hold procedure in Table 5-14.
2 Press Decrement button to move cursor to
Shutdown. Press Enter.
Profiler advances to the shutdown phase.
3 To resume running the profiler, select Start. Profile resumes running from the beginning of the
shutdown phase.